Dear Blogger

9 Answers to “Why Do You Blog?”

What makes you a successful blogger?

Can’t anyone blog?

Why do you blog?

I heard the age-old questions coming my way across the GQishly decorated gazebo at a reunion over the holidays.

This time though I had my answer.

In the past, you may have struggled with this question — I know I have.

But as members of the blogging community, we have to defend our work or risk looking like total hermits to people, who though educated, just don’t get what we do for the web.

So in this post, and in typical Dear Blogger form, I’d like to offer 9 potential concise answers to the above.

I really hope this helps next time you’re interrogated at a party.

Note to readers: As usual I’m curious to hear your best/worst answers to this question because I bet they’re way better than mine. Let us know at the end!

Why do you blog?

  1. You’ve always loved writing

    Thoughts flow confidently on paper as speech, English class was a breeze, you have notes littered all over your room and you might have aced the SAT writing.

  2. You take pride in helping people

    You’ve been a tutor, trainer or coach in your time on Earth.

  3. Corporate life ain’t for you

    Doing work for a boss’s benefit until eternity is unthinkable and you’re dead sure that blogging beats a day job.

  4. You’re curious, driven to learn more

    You want to know what makes the web keep turning and position yourself amid the action.

  5. You’re unhappy with your surroundings

    You’re unreasonable for all the right reasons, constantly editing and tweaking, but it’s important because the world needs change with you at the helm.

  6. Your an introvert (and proud)

    The extroverts have spoken over you for years, but now you’re army of subscribers and commenters speak louder.

  7. You’re a creator at heart

    From Play Doh to Legos, science fairs to history day to shop class, you create and damnit you take pride in the result, even if it takes you forever.

  8. You’ve found your audience

    After months of hunting for blog traffic, you’ve found it, and you’re going to keep growing it because this is finally your time.

  9. You want to see the world!

    You’ve seen folks like Pat Flynn, Leo Babauta and Glen Allsop travelling the globe on their blogs and know that if you play your cards right blogging is your ticket too.

Conclusion: Is a brief answer best?


I put down my appetizers (but not before one more bit of my petite sandwich) and turned to my adversary:

“It’s my platform. It’s where I get to learn from lots of people and where I get to share my own version of art.”

That was all for my response. I like leaving ’em hanging a bit, because giving a full explanation often undervalues your work. How about you? Which number above is your response? Got a totally new one? Now’s your turn. Share it in the comments below.

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