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How to Create a Squeeze Page (and 5 examples I found)

Dear Reader,

One of my readers just said they bookmarked my blog to #1 on their browser. Aww! I’m assuming that’s ahead of Gmail 🙂

Anyways, ever feel like the pages you want conversions on just aren’t doing as well as they could?

Low conversions are a huge problem for new bloggers and we always looks for new tricks to solve the issue. But sometimes an old trick works best.

Meet squeeze pages.

Simple, focused, aggressive, sexy. Squeeze pages are really great for convincing a reader on your hottest offers.

This post will show you simple steps to set one up.

Examples of niche squeeze pages

Here are some good examples (one of them is mine) of squeeze pages that get high conversions. I tried to pick a variety of niches to keep you entertained.

Check out these 5 squeeze pages:

  1. Derek Halpern’s Building an Email List 101 Page
  2. Fisher Investments from
  3. Okay this one is HILARIOUS
  4. Then there’s John Chow
  5. My Club Page

Things to Look Out For:

Squeeze pages usually make you feel a certain way or at least try to because when you feel real emotions you are more likely to take action. How do these pages make you feel? Like you’re missing out? Like you NEED some information?

Another thing squeeze pages do well is repetition. Lots of ways to click and join, like in the Fisher Investments page above.

To understand repetition, see how many times John Chow says “sign up to my email list”!

Then, let’s look at exact steps to set up a squeeze page on your blog. This will work best for a WordPress blog.

Setup your own squeeze page (the easy way)

This is the easy way. There is also a more complex way of setting up squeeze pages that involves creating a custom template and uploading it to you blog via FTP.

In the weeks ahead, and when I truly understand this method, I’ll add it to this post!

For now, follow these steps to create a squeeze page optimized for more conversions:

  1. Create a new Page in WordPress
  2. Make sure Page Attributes is checked in Screen Options
  3. Set Template to Full Width (the hard way includes uploading a custom page template to your root directory, which requires FTP, and I guarantee this is what Halpern did!)
  4. Now, add the code below this list to the very top of your page. Insert your page content in between the div tags as it shows.
  5. Edit the values however you want! If you need help, that’s what the comments are for
  6. You’re pretty much good to go!

<div style="width:70%; height:100%; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: dashed #fff 1px;
border-radius: 20px; background-color: #fff;
font-size: 16px; font-family: tahoma, georgia;">Page Content Here</div>

That code is some custom code I made especially for this post, and it may or may not be best for you. You can edit all the values, and if something doesn’t make sense just post a comment referencing which step (the number) you are stuck on.

What content/copy to include

So after your page is techinically designed you’ll want to load it up with rich copy designed specifically for more conversions.

Good content for squeeze pages includes:

  • Opt-in forms
  • Images of your product (like an eBook)
  • Positive testimonials from the user
  • Statistics like # downloads
  • Videos (see my funny example above)

No matter what content you decide to include please keep the “spam-level” in mind”. I see many pages that are just offensive or downright annoying.

They go from the realm of “hard sell” to “desperate, don’t you dare leave without joining” and personally I don’t much like this.

Of course, style is up to you. You may want to experiment on your persuasiveness and see what works best.

Happy to answer any questions on this one, or just see my squeeze page example which is converting pretty darn well as you read this.

What do you think?

I know a lot of my readers are focused on increasing conversions in email sign ups and affiliate clicks. I hope this technique really helps those efforts.

If it doesn’t, just delete the code and set Page Template back to Default.

In the comments, let’s chat about what factors make for a really good squeeze page. Drop in your expert advice, and let’s see if we can get a good conversation going on increasing conversions.

Talk soon!

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4 Responses to "How to Create a Squeeze Page (and 5 examples I found)"

    1. I think they have bots that automatically post them. And some blogs let them get through, though not this one!

  1. When it comes to avoiding being spammy, I’d say a good rule of thumb is avoid making the page long enough to have to scroll if you can. I suppose a little is alright if you have to, but definitely avoid those so-long-it’d-be-a-book-if-you-printed-it ranks. I see those and I run.

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