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Guest Blogging Guidelines: Dear Blogger Style

Dear Reader,

No more excuses. No more polite rejection emails.

It’s time to start publishing the work of a few Dear Blogger readers. That means you! And on a blog where the best knowledge usually comes from you guys, the readers, I think it’s about time.

How to Guest Post on Dear Blogger

If you’re interested, here’s how to do it!

General Guidelines

Guest posts on Dear Blogger should solve real problems we bloggers face. Here’s how I would recommend starting to write your posts…

  • Get yourself “in the zone”
  • Try to blend useful advice with personal experiences
  • First person OK and please avoid generalizations
  • We’re keeping it simple: starting the moment this post goes live you can send post concepts to studyHQ AT dearblogger DOT org. Concepts! I’ll then respond with the greenlight (or the redlight) on whether your post could be a cool fit for the blog.

Some Topics…

Your writing doesn’t have to be insanely new (though it rocks if you can be!) but should definitely shed some bright perspective on areas of blogging we should all explore right away.

  • Starting a blog
    Emotions, expectations, fears, realities and anxieties you have overcome.
  • Turning a blog into a business
    Networking and breaking through in your niche. How’d you do it? How can we learn?
  • Positivity and confidence
    Mindset and outlook are huge in blogging. Talk about how to position yourself as a confident expert and beyond. Here are some example reads!

I should say also that I definitely won’t accept guest posts that are quickly spun off for “networking purposes” or something even more shady. That would be the total opposite of the goal here.


Along the lines of those topics it will be important to keep in mind the general themes that are always found within all of my articles here and in many of your comments.

  • Warmth
    It’s a sentiment, a feeling of belonging, and the temperature of a nice coffee.
  • Growth
    Since day 1 Dear Bloggerers have been a passionate group of readers who grow blogs that change the web each day. Play to our interests, we crave success!
  • Community
    Also a great theme. 400 and some strong, the community here totally makes this blog (and doors are always open!)


I’m still not sure how many guest posts I will end up publishing but let’s plan on 1 guest post per week starting at the beginning of November. If posts are really taking off we could up it to 2-3 guest post per week.

It’s basically up to you! 😀

That said, it would be wise for you to get in any questions you have now because we all know time flies and it will be November soon. Feel free to ask them in the comments or on our social media.

More notes

  • Submissions: We’ll do it old fashioned over email. I just don’t feel comfortable syncing a blog as personal as this with a 3rd party guest-posting service.
  • Rejections: Obviously, this will happen. It does not mean your post didn’t rock, and it does not mean you shouldn’t resubmit a post. I think allowing all guest posts would actually be a big disservice to you guys so do your best, and we’ll go from there.
  • Promotion: I’m not requiring anyone to share posts fervently on Twitter or anything like that but I’d hope your writing is such that you’d naturally want to! It’s a good look all around!
  • My blogging? I obviously will also post throughout the guest posting schedule. Couldn’t just leave ya hanging, and lots on my mind/agenda yet to turn into words.

That’s it! I’m going to close the main comments so you can focus on writing up a post concept, but I’ll leave the Facebook comments open just in case you need anything! (Don’t worry that it says Comments Off, I have to change that copy anyways..)

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