Dear Blogger

A Journey “Home”


Dear Reader,

I came home yesterday.

Home being Minnesota. The land of 10,000 lakes and many more mosquitos. They don’t like me though.

My folks are moving again – soon this will all just be memories. I even gave away my skateboarding equipment, but thankfully to an 8 year old kid I’m secretly hoping will become the next Tony Hawk.

Home is fun. But oddly enough, I’m realizing things about my home of 18 years that I never realized before.

Surroundings. Wait What?

It’s sad I never realized these things growing up – just little things – because if I had I might have found ways to enjoy them more. But I feel like when your time is condensed into a finite period, you are forced to appreciate things, where as you could live in paradise for an indefinite time period and not think much of it at all.

A Home Online

Like no other period in my life, I feel at home online now more than ever.

This is one reason I blog. To have a finite space I can depend on. A place of constant excitement, where I’d just as rather spend my work days and nights out.

So, thank you for joining in. As I always say, it’s the reader who makes a blog. The blogger is just providing any old service.

I also blog to add value to the world (cliche, sorry). Adding value from our own expertise is something all of us need to do to feel fulfilled, whether we write, build, perform, or just lead meetings. This is proven stuff.

Why do you think you blog?

Leaving People

Being home has also hit me on a well, personal chord as some people just aren’t around anymore, and some are more distant. And that’s fine.

I think prioritizing is key here. For example, last night I didn’t follow up on several invites because I needed time to blog. Blogging been a major focus of my life and one I see developing in the future.

With some folks, there’s no future. How many times can you have the “whoa, haven’t see you in forever” talk before you just realize there’s really no point? Old friends – keep ’em. But if you can recognize that you only have a finite amount of effort to give in each corner of life, you’ll start putting it where it counts.

eBooks #2 and #3

I know I promised some new eBooks in a previous post and I assure you they are not yet started 😉

They are “in the works” as they say and you’ll hear more about them in the next month. Why does it always take so long to get the ball rolling on new projects?

I did, however, streamline the layout here. You probably hate it and I’m sorry. What changed?

I think a simplified design without all the vanity will encourage me to actually post more because there’s less to worry about.

A great blog after all is (at least) two things. All about the content, and a vehicle for content delivery. So I’d like to make it more like this.

From the Community

One my readers, who’s oddly accurate with all her advice, suggested such a shift. A morning coffee with Greg sort of thing where I’d deliver more frequent insight instead of the long-winded bi-annual guides 😉

As always, I’m open to feedback, so I listened to said reader, mulled it over, and well…

When you think of something once, it’s an idea. Twice, it’s a good idea. Thrice, and you should have done it yesterday. Tweet this quote.

This would mean more blogging advice and more stories too.

Happy Memorial Day

I hope you all have amazing memorial days weekends that create lasting family memories. And for my readers across the globe, please celebrate those who fought for your country as well.

To Great Blogging,


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