This is a post by Frank McKinley.Today he shares with us how we gain popularity with our readers. Mediakix says there are over 440 million blogs right now. And you…
In this post, Frank McKinley shows us how we can effectively use social media to grow our blogs and build our tribe of followers. It’s Christmas week as I write…
In this post Frank McKinley offers valuable information about how you can avoid making mistakes that could sabotage your blogging career and writing career. You just started a blog. Woo hoo! Your…
This is a guest post by Frank McKinley. He is a published author who helps writers to engage readers, sell their ideas, and build tribes. In this post. Frank shares in…
You are an engaging writer with a compelling message. The problem is nobody is coming to your blog. Nobody but your friends even know you're a writer. Sure, you're putting…
This is a guest post by Frank McKinley. He is a published author who helps writers to engage readers, sell their ideas, and build tribes. In this post Frank explains…