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Why Blogs Fail: How to Avoid Making These 12 Blogging Mistakes

In this post-Cori identifies 12 common blogging mistakes which often cause many blogs to fail with solutions to help your blog succeed. 

In my first year of blogging, I think I made every mistake a blogger could make! Today I’m thankful for the many valuable lessons I learned as a direct result of those mistakes. I once heard a saying while at a business conference that success is simply failure turned inside out.

The most affluent bloggers I know describe failure as the springboard that helped launch their blogs to success. The message being we don’t need to fear failure. These common mistakes once recognized and corrected help us to become better bloggers!

Many bloggers unintentionally made a few or all of these mistakes that caused some to abandon their blogs. Most of them quit before their breakthrough. If you avoid making these mistakes you’ll have a blog that grows and is guaranteed to last.

1. Blog about too many different topics.

If you speak about too many vastly different subjects you won’t have a target audience and worse your blog might fail. At best you’ll get a small amount of blog traffic. Narrowing down to a niche topic area of interest will attract a specific audience. If you blog about a particular topic you’re interested in you’ll be able to write about it for a long time.

Many bloggers don’t know why they blog. Do you know why you blog? If not I recommend reading this post;
9 Answers to “Why Do You Blog?” to help you discover the answer to your why.

2. Impatience in the process of growing a blog.

We all like to see the results of our efforts materialize quickly. The reality is that blogging with the expectation of quick success is almost always met with disappointment. Blog growth takes time.

Successful bloggers all had to develop patience and persistence while learning from blogging mistakes in the process of growing their blogs. If you stay with it you will make progress and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results!

When we let go of unrealistic expectations we begin to blog just because we love blogging. I once had a wise teacher promise me that effort always produces desired results in due time.

3. Failure to keep goals realistic and reachable.

There are steps to take that will launch you toward the completion of your blogging goals efficiently. Here are a few;

Avoid overloading your daily agenda of things to do. I use a six most important things to do list for daily blogging tasks. Until I complete those 6 tasks I try not to move on to anything else.

Try to keep your blogging goals realistic and reachable by taking small steps to achieve them. I’ve heard it said that when you chase too many rabbits you don’t catch either one. 😀  Chasing too many goals at once usually works out the same way resulting in achieving much less.

4. No consistent blog post routine.

If your readers notice you’ve not been publishing fresh content in a long time they’ll think you abandoned your blog. Most will not come back.

Having quality content written on your blog consistent with your blogging topics and posted on a regular routine is key. Quality and regularity are more important than post quantity on an irregular publishing basis.

5. Poor blog design, difficult to navigate, and not enough buttons or links.

First impressions count! A blog that is poorly designed will drive away your audience. If the purpose/message of your blog is not defined right away, is difficult to navigate with not enough buttons or click links then visitors will leave.

Here are a few points to consider when designing and setting up your blog;

  • Use a simple start blog design and layout you can build on over time. Less is more here when starting out.
  • Making your blog easy to navigate and fully responsive to view on all devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops is important.
  • Your visitors will love buttons and links to click that take them where they want to go on your blog. Links should be added to all page and blog post content.

6. Attempting to do it all alone.

All of us need support no matter what we are doing. From friends, family, and colleagues. There are many bloggers and writers you can connect with. Where do you find them? In communities. Facebook groups and their blogs are good places to start. You’ll be amazed at how beneficial online communities are to your life as a blogger.

Every successful blogger started out just like rest of us. They too had to learn the tools of the blogging trade to grow their blogs. What these affluent bloggers now know took time, commitment, and tons of perseverance to get there. Each one learned from other successful bloggers and most had a blog mentor to help guide them in the right direction. None of them achieved their blogging goals alone.

7. Failing to expand the reach of a larger audience.

Guest posting is a great way to expand your reach to a larger audience. Platforms such as Medium, sharing your work on social media and within communities, you’ve joined are all effective.

Publishing on a variety of platforms is a sure way to successfully spread your message around the web! If you do this you’ll get known for what you do and over time people trust you and regard you as an expert in your field. You’ll also gain a higher volume of blog traffic.

8. Not building an email list of subscribers is a blogging mistake.

This has been proven to be the most effective way to remain connected to your audience. Not building an email list of subscribers is the best way to do cause a blog to fail. If you haven’t already established an email list building strategy I’d encourage you to do this as soon as possible.

One option is to sign up for Mail Chimp which is free up to 2,500 subscribers. Providing a great starting place for those seeking to keep costs low or free. Constant Contact and Aweber provide phone support and offer a professional service equipped to help you accomplish your list building goals.

9. Trying to earn an income as a blogger too soon leads to many blogging mistakes.

I’m often asked by beginner bloggers if they can earn money blogging. The answer is yes. You can over time earn a lucrative income as a blogger. The truth is that your blog in and of itself will not generate much of an income for you. Especially in the beginning.

Affiliate earnings is a great way to start. The problem is people try to do this too soon. Try waiting to monetize your blog in the beginning. Let your readers get to know you and trust you first. Give yourself time to gain some social proof.

10. Neglecting Comments

People who take the time to read your blog post and comment on it deserve a response from you. Over time as your blog grows so will your number of comments. It can become difficult to keep up with all of them. While you don’t need to answer all comments it is important to respond to many of them.

By replying to comments regularly you show your readers that you care and appreciate them. In fact, routine comment responding is such a big natural growth technique in blogging that not doing it can be one of those silent but huge blogging mistakes!

11. Expect more than they give.

An integral part of growing a successful blog is to give your readers more than you get from them. Show your readers it is all about them and not you. A loyal audience develops over time.

Being a giver is a magnetic quality that all successful bloggers demonstrate to their followers. Give whatever you have to offer on your blog for free when starting out. A free eBook or an email course is a wonderful place to start.

12. Weak social media integration and Networking.

Networking is an important part of successful blogging and worthwhile in helping you to promote your blog. Many bloggers don’t know how to optimize the use of social media or begin networking in a way that helps their blog growth.

This results failing to adequately promote your blog and have a weak social media online presence. Social media is all about connecting with others. Not showing up regularly on these powerful platforms disconnects you from your audience.

Integrating your blog with social media outlets helps you to achieve blogging success. Facebook and Twitter are great places to start. You’ll be able to personally connect with your existing readers. A consistent routine of social media interactions helps to establish a new audience all pointing back to your blog.


When everything indicates you should give up is just when you need to step away but come back to it. You can revisit your blogging and writing goals with a clearer focus.

What blogging mistakes have you made and what did you do to correct them?
How did your blogging mistakes help you grow as a blogger?



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19 Responses to "Why Blogs Fail: How to Avoid Making These 12 Blogging Mistakes"

  1. Hi..!!!Great thoughts here.In my point of view, most of the bloggers fail because they lose interest too early in blogging.
    A blog needs one or more time to be successful.

    1. Hi Devi. Thank you for your comment. I agree with both your points here about losing interest too early and blogs can take one or more times to be successful.

      I think many are like I was as a beginner blogger… wanting progress to happen quicker than is possible. Starting, creating, launching and maintaining a blog is work and takes time to grow but well worth the effort!

  2. Hey Cori

    Great list. I’d like to add one! ‘You write in block paragraphs and don’t reformat your post to emphasise certain messages’.

    It’s true that people reading a post/article will skip through to find key messages. Why not make their life easier (and allow them to read efficiently) by making words bold, italic, using bullet points, increasing text font, in order to allow key points to emerge.

  3. Thank you for this post. I went down the list and I agree with many of them. I struggle with the Medium posting. It didn’t generate traffic to my blog as I wanted. Perhaps I will try again.


    1. Thank you for your comment, Charlene! Publishing fresh content to Medium can be a very beneficial way to expand your audience reach while gaining traffic to your blog. Just as blogging takes time to gain traffic and followers so does growing your presence on Medium. If you do give Medium another try you may find this post helpful for you to achieve the desired results.

      6 Surefire Ways Using Medium Can Expand Your Audience and Gain More Traffic to Your Blog

  4. Great post! I loved these tips. After blogging for five years, I agree wholeheartedly. My growth has been s l o w. That’s ok. It wasn’t ok, but it is now. I wasn’t putting in effort to grow much. I was thinking, if I write good content, people will come read it. Nope. This fall, I intentionally took a few courses on writing and blogging and have been growing (my own growth) so much. I clarified the “why” and revamped a lot of what I offer in the process. I’m glad the audience hasn’t been huge yet – I don’t think I had enough clarity to serve them well. Now I do. I’m going to refer people to read this post in the future. It’s really great.

    1. Hi Patty! Thank you for your kind comment. In my early season of blogging the slow growth was frustrating. Now I believe the slow and steady growth is great! We grow over time as bloggers and our blogs grow with us. We need the help and support of other for sure! Happy to hear you are seeing progress and have more clarity moving forward! I’ve been to your blog and think you’ve done a great job there! 😀

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment Janis! Same here! Focus nor clarity came easily for me. It took years of practice and being intentional about it. Still, I am guilty of getting sidetracked at times. 😀

  5. Cori,
    You nailed it!
    # 1: I’m splitting my site into two, to better focus on divergent topics and better serve the two audiences.
    # 4: I saw little growth and become inconsistent with posting. I’m back on track.
    # 7: Slipped up big time with guest posting—have started to rectify that.
    # 8: The email list growing. Still, have nightmares about it! But I’m learning better ways to prompt visitors with CTAs at end of each post with a link to a free gift.
    Thanks for a to-the-point and succinct post, Cori!

    1. Hi Danie! Thanks for taking the time to comment!

      #1: I think that is a great choice Danie. I’ve done the same. It is a great way to effectively speak to two different types of audiences. Especially if the topics are vastly different.

      #4: I hear you there! It takes time to establish a consistent posting routine. Blog growth is something that also takes time. As we grow so does our blog! Efforts produce results and if we stay with it long enough we can achieve the desired results. Glad to hear you are back on track!

      #7: Guest posting is something I didn’t do much for awhile but it is very beneficial to bloggers! Happy you are working on guest posting more.

      #8: I understand what you mean about having nightmares regarding email list building! I was so intimidated by that part! Great that you are adding CTAs at the end of every blog post!

      You’re welcome Danie! Thanks for reading and commenting! Wishing you all the best with your blog! 😀

  6. Hi
    Great thoughts here.

    In my point of view, most of the bloggers fail because they lose interest too early in blogging.
    A blog needs one or more time to be successful.
    So, we should give time to a blog to be successful and work hard in that time frame consistently.
    However, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thanks for your comment Lata! So true that blogs take time to grow and lots of beginner bloggers lose interest early on. Tons of helpful information and supportive online communities are available. 😀

  7. Gotta put ourselves in the shoes of the reader.

    Anything we wouldn’t want to see on a new blog, don’t do it when you start a blog.

    Hope you Cori has laid out a good guide on what to avoid in those nervous few first months after you guys build a new blog.

    Ya know, add this to my why blogs fail to get traffic guide from 2013 and we should show up in Google when people look up blogs that fail 😂

    1. Excellent point Greg about if we don’t want to see it on a blog then don’t do it when starting a blog!
      That post you wrote about why blogs fail to get traffic helped me a ton as did many of your posts in 2013!
      I’m still learning from you and your posts~! 😀


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