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How To Earn $100 as an Aweber Email Marketing Affiliate

Hey Everyone,

Well today I received a check to my apartment for $104.34 from Aweber’s Affiliate Marketing system. It has taken me a good 24 months to start earning anything really in this program so I figured I’d write a post on it now that things are working. I hope this post contains some affiliate marketing tips you can use too!

Aweber Email Marketing

Aweber email marketing is a premium software that let’s you easily collect and analyze subscribers on a blog or any form of website. The main advantages in my mind are the beautiful forms and form designer, the auto-responders you can use to send an eBook, and the auto notifications. It really is possible to gather 1000s of emails onto a list and use it for your business:


Of course speaking of advantages, one reason I did sign-up for Aweber is I was aware of the affiliate program. Aweber costs at least $19.99 per month after the $1 month trial so I wanted to earn a bit of that back.

Aweber’s Affilate Marketing Program

The affiliate program is extremely simple to setup and a bit more difficult to earn from. Of course, you need to sign-up for their basic email marketing software (yes, this is an affiliate link) first and setup an actual list. If you’re interested just click thru and then click the green “Order” button. With any affiliate concept you had better use and enjoy the software before marketing it.

You then get a unique six digit Affiliate ID which attaches to your affiliate link and you’ll be emailed every time you earn a new commission. These emails really are few and far between but silver lining here is commissions with Aweber are recurring. You’ll usually earn 30c upon sign-up and $5.70 each month there-after in which your affiliate customer remains signed up!

How To Actually Make Money Email (Affiliate) Marketing

So how do you actually get affiliate commissions, aka how do you get people to sign-up via your Aweber link?

Well first off email marketing by itself is decent for earning money – you can promote products you’ve made or affiliate market other people’s products.

But in order to make money as an Aweber Affiliate your best options are IMHO:

  1. Writing articles about aweber.
  2. Delivering eBooks which describe Aweber-ish processes (like “how to create an eBook” or “how to build an email list of over 1000 subs”). There are two good examples of this method at Smart Passive Income and Blog Tyrant.
  3. Creating YouTube videos which feature Aweber.

The idea here – like with any affiliate marketing campaign – is to show beginners how to better use a software and offer real help/value in the process with hopes someone will use your link.

Lastly, here’s an iPhone pic of my latest check for proof that this sort of earning is really possible:


The really cool bonus here is that (for me at least) receiving payments in blogging is quite rare, however if this continues that will make a few times per month on which I earn (the first two being HostGator and Adsense payment days).


Are you ready to start affiliate marketing for Aweber? Think you have the content and SEO to make any money? Please share your experiences or questions in the comments.

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18 Responses to "How To Earn $100 as an Aweber Email Marketing Affiliate"

  1. Honestly, I don’t think this is a good deal at all.. Take E-Goi Email Marketing for example ( 30% recurring (for life) commission and multi-level as well! And forget about the expenses too. They have a 5000 subscribers and unlimited sends completely free! I don’t know about you Greg, but that was enough to get me from Aweber to E-Goi…

    1. affiliate marketing for aweber is one way. there are much more traditional methods though like delivering value, value, value, value then a sales pitch. i’ll try to write more on this but look around the web, like on smartpassiveincome!

  2. Hi bro, I get an email list for 50 people in USA who are looking to buy a car and the thing is I generally get new list every single week. Can we work together and do some email-marketing stuff?

  3. Hi Greg,

    I’ve recently opened an account with Aweber and have just started using it to promote Aweber itself, but will be using it to deliver an ebook that I’m working on.

    I was wandering whether that check is monthly that has built up over time? I mean do you get that amount every month for as long as those who signed up through your link are still using the Aweber service?

    Is that how it works?

    1. Great work. Yes the check is monthly and it continues growing as long as more people signup and stay signed up! Pretty cool 🙂

  4. Hey Greg,

    I was wondering if Aweber offer a share code whereby a series of emails are loaded into your aweber email follow-up account? If not, do you use a splash page or capture page to send follow-up emails…and if so do you care to share that code. Obviously, you’re in this for the long haul and I commend you on that because most people quickly move to something else when something doesn’t pay fast.


    1. Yep long haul is always best with affiliate marketing. Though there are some stories of people capturing tons of subscribers quickly thru social media offers.

      I just use plain text for my emails, Georgia font, with a logo at the top. No fancy pages but Aweber does let you copy and reuse former “templates”.

      Thanks for the awesome comment.

  5. Don’t you think $228 per year charge for the software is too much? Assume, you spend the ($456 for 24 months) money for their software charge $19/per month (As I’ve seen in their pricing) and in return you get $104.34 as commission, is that a good deal? Plus, you’ve to put a lot effort like creating contents and videos and all.

    Let me know, if I’m doing wrong math and if there is something more insight which I missed.

    1. You’re actually dead right Karen. The monthly rate is too much when compared to other useful and cheaper expenses – hosting, ejunkie, spotify, netflix etc – and it’s an annoying joke at best how they charge for storage space once you start collecting more and more leads.

      The affiliate earnings took me years to build up as well, though it feels nice now.

      However, I still use the service to auto delivery my eBook folks get right away and just wouldn’t trust any other service to do that properly.

      That and I’ve got too much on my mind now to worry about transferring 1000s of subscribers elsewhere.

      So I guess it’s a lose-win-win each month.

      What are your email marketing needs like? Can help you set things up if you do choose Aweber.

    2. The general rule is that you should make $1 per subscriber per month with the affiliate products or other things you send to them to buy.

      So even average of 500 subscribers for 1 year should make you $6000 and even if you don’t use it good it enough and make half of that, then its still way more than the #228 you paid for the year.

      I would recommend Getresponse anyway, they have free squeeze pages and landing pages.

      1. I thought GetResponse charged $15 a month for the squeeze page and landing page creator? Good deal if you get that for FREE must have implemented that since the last time I tried them.


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