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How To Add an Online Class Booking Appointment Section to WordPress

This past week a viewer wrote in asking “How do I add an online class booking section to a website?”

This reader already learned how to create a wordpress website for their client, and now the client had them stumped on adding a booking feature.

So I figured it was time to create a video on my favorite free way to allow clients to book appointments of any kind through your WordPress sites. Just like you guys, I’ve booked all sorts of appointments online from spin classes to hours of filming at YouTube creator studios, and this website feature will help you do all of that!

If you enjoy it or have experience with WordPress booking plugins, please drop off a comment!

Let’s check it out!

How To Add an Online Booking Appointment Class Calendar Tool to WordPress

If you can’t watch the video above, the steps to setup a class booking section to WordPress (for free) are very straight forward:

  1. Install and Activate the Appointment Hour Booking Plugin. (Do this through your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins library)
  2. Create a calendar with any name you would like
  3. Edit the calendar settings
  4. Add multiple services if you would like
  5. Publish the Calendar!
  6. Here’s an example of how your online booking feature might look
  7. Optional: tweak the overall design with custom CSS

Thanks so much for joining us in this free WordPress tutorial! Remember, if you have WordPress questions get them answered each day on our YouTube channel. One reader we feature in a video each month gets a free mug!

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