2023-2024 has been a crazy year in terms of upending the blogosphere. It seems like almost everything absurd that could have happened, did.
From a Twitter takeover, to our favorite bloggers retiring with new bloggers fighting to take their spots, to several crypto currency coins being looted, to Mr. Beast going off-grid to Antarctica, it’s taken a lot of us by surprise.
But one thing remains constant as we burn the last candle light and brew the last coffees of 2022 – blogs are still needed!
From a last minute recipe as we stand over the stove to classic “best ___ to do near me” in the moment need, it’s been a blog to the rescue all 2022 and I don’t think that’s changing any time soon.
So for you it’s just a matter of being that blog which people need.
So in this post, I’d like to highlight a few blogs that have made our year special, while breaking down some blog monetization strategies they use. I hope at least a few of you will stop by – mention how you were able to make money blogging too this year in the comments!
Best Blogs of 2023 from Our Standpoint
I’d like to present the best blogs of 2022. Well, that’s an outlandish claim by Greg, surely in need of fact-checking.
Surely these blogs have been the most useful this year and only include a few of our friends’ blogs 🙂
At the very least, they have been consistent. Consistency has been one of the single hardest qualities to maintain this past year.
For each of us there are special blogs we idolize becoming and simply use a lot. There are also blogs we use then forget because we forget to look up at the logo or drop off our 2c of thanks.
So, here are 10 blogs I’d deem especially helpful and nice over the past year of 2022 broken down by category:
- BonAppetit – Easy to follow recipes that always seem to include down to earth ingredients you’ve got in your fridge.
- OurCavapoo – Our favorite blog for Cavapoo Puppy and Cavapoo Adult dog advice, especially helpful our 2 pups. Highlighted below for it’s subtle use of inline blog content ads.
- CookieandKate – More recipes, for cookies which Greg doesn’t make but finds after writing blogs.
- ExtremeHouseFlipping – If we were to create the best home improvement YouTube channel, we’d surely model it after these two fellas. By the way, thanks for helping us replace the Kohler toilet flush valve.
- WPBeginner – The most timeless WordPress blog on the planet, offering new advice and tutorials daily. One difficult task for new WordPress.org users is finding the right plugin for a job, well on WPBeginner you need only read 10 seconds into a post to find a plugin that will get the job done and last on your blog.
- AndreiJikh – Andrei Jikh revolutionized the fintech community on YouTube with easy to digest financial app tutorials and explanations of how to get rich with dividend investing. His “come for the ___ and stay for the ___” catchy slogans are something I’ll always look forward to in new finance tutorials.
- Hedgeye – There’s just absolutely no way trend seeking stock traders could have survived 2022 with positive returns without Hedgeye Risk Management as their guides. This website, YouTube channel, forum, newsletter, and online community is blogging turned into an entire family complete with it’s own slogans and slew of heros and villians in the investing community to praise and learn from each morning.
I know that’s only 7 blogs, but I wanted to keep it short for now so you can actually go visit them and see the wonderous strategies these profitable blogs are using. That said, just shoot me an email or tweet if you have a new blog you’ve noticed absolutely slaying it that deserves posting on our list here 🤩
Google Adsense
Google Adsense is the pinnacle of ways blog have made money ever since the Shoe Money 100k+ revenue photo and continues to be the golden standard ad network.
It takes me back to Blogger blogspot days when you could check you revenue right through your Blogger dashboard, so of course Greg would hit up Best Buy to click on an add or two on his walk home from work in New York.
Despite what you may have heard about how to get accepted into Google Adsense in 2022, it’s not nearly as hard as people think. You just need to make sure you have:
- A real WordPress.org self hosted website live
- A few posts that follow the same niche trend or topic
- Nothing sketchy, illegal or plagiarized on your website.
- An SSL will surely help, so grab the best free WP ssl plugin
Go over to ourcavapoo.com and turn your ad blocker off (we use the one called AdBlock by Google Chrome) and you’ll reveal how any blog lays out their ads to visitors who don’t mind seeing them. We love how OurCavapoo does NOT use ads above the fold but instead lets the ads and monetization options come to you as you enjoy the blog post content – a great way to get people reading further without turning them away right away.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has its booms and busts, and sadly we are at a lower end in the cycle currently. This is due to discretionary money being down across nearly all parts of the world, the U.S. included. When eggs and chicken cost 3x as much people buy less WP themes and hosting 🙁
But that means it’s a darn good time to start rebuilding your affiliate marketing WordPress empire!
Start by simply creating a blog with WordPress while making sure you make it with high quality page building tools like Elementor so you can easily switch from blog post layouts to landing pages.
Then partner up with your WordPress themes, buy their theme of course, and start dropping in those links in your reviews.
One affiliate program for WordPress themes that consistently pays us reasonably well is Elegant Themes, the makers of Divi. Divi is epic for small business websites like restaurants and salons, studios and workspaces, even larger businesses. If you develop websites for a friend you can simply have them buy Divi thru your link to grab a commission, then build the site for them. The end user needs to buy the license, anyways. Then you can also rep the theme on your social media channels. You can mention smaller themes too but we find those with existing traction good to insert yourself in the mix with.
Guest Posts / Sponsored Posts
A tried and true way to earn consistent blog revenue is to guest post regularly for major blogs in your niche.
Our favorite blog for puppy advice for example pays per word, giving you up to $150 per post!
We’ve also had success writing for hostingadvice.com, because that’s my specialty over here.
Whatever it is you’re passionate about, just start of 2023 with a simple Google Search for “write paid guest blog posts about gardening” and see what you find!
Remember, it’s not only important to start small, you have to start small. Everyone else did that’s make it big now!
And once you feel the paper on that first real paycheck you get from blogging, it all changes from there on out 😀
Start a Blogging Network
Once you create a blog and establish yourself, you can then setup a network for smaller blogs.
This can be for profit or for free at first.
If you create a blog network for free it’s at the very least a great way to share links amongst yourselves.
You can also publish blog posts to your group, and have an agreement where members are encouraged to go ahead and comment right away on new blog posts so they get that good, organic-feeling traction in return.
This sort of a blog network can be done through Facebook Groups too, but I prefer to have an actual WordPress website login for it so people land on your blog and can browse around your other blog posts.
Sell Your Junk on WordPress with WooCommerce for Free
Any WordPress blog can easily install WooCommerce to host your own products and sell them at whatever price you’d like.
You’d be amazed how many people in your neighborhood or apartment building want your cheap stuff, or just want to get rid of things and will pay a small fee to list them!
With all the known scams on website like Craigslist and the NextDoor app, people are always looking for a more personable way to transact when it comes to their personal belongings.
Post Private Ads
Private ads are super easy in WordPress because you just need to create an image, upload it, and link it back to the brand you’re working with.
Posting an ad to a cool brand on your blog also makes YOU look more credible for having established such a partnership at a young age.
You can even get the ball rolling and create an ad first, then get the brand on board after.
Make a Blog for Your Friend or Family!
The final step you’ll enjoy as your journey to make money blogging continues is setting up the blogs of family members and friend who admire what you’re doing on your own blog.
It’s the most rewarding thing sharing your real hard-earned skills in blogging with family members, showing them blogging for a living is truly possible.
This one is pretty self-explanatory, and given that Greg bet’s you’re probably sick of reading and would rather get there and learn how to make money blogging on your own, I’ll leave it at that!
Do you have a new blog where you are trying to build a blog income? Is blogging a long-term side hustle of yours that’s just now taking off? We’d love to hear your stories in the comments and feature you on the blog!!
Well-researched content. Keep writing to guide us. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, thanks for the great blog. It was very informative.
Very informative blog. Keep writing.
Hi Greg,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your fantastic blog post on Your insights were incredibly helpful, especially. I really appreciate the effort and detail you put into your writing—it made a significant difference for me.
Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of your posts!
Best regards,
Rohit Raj
Fantastic only describes your big heart in posting this comment and using the advice, Rohit! Thanks for your support. Hope you’re using the blog advice to create an amazing blog too? Cheers, Greg
Thanks for share this amazing blog bro.
Hi, thanks for the great article. It was very informative.
I would you like to say thank you so much by my heart. Really amazing and impressive post you have share. Please keep sharing.
Thanks for sharing from your hear too!
“Brilliant work, looking forward to more content like this!”
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Your post was truly amazing and impressive. Please continue sharing such wonderful content.
Very informative article. Keep writing
great sir beneficial article thanks for sharing.
Hi Dear, This is a very useful article indeed. Thank you
Glad you enjoyed it!
great sir very helpfully article thanks for sharing
As I read your words, I’m reminded that the power of storytelling can unite us all, transcending boundaries and differences.
I really thought very hard on this topic for a long time.i’ll share it
Thanks for the amazing post about blogging
Blog posts about blogging…it’s what we do 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing!
I am confused about affliate marketing. Please write a bolg for that too.
You got it, what major parts of affiliate marketing confuse you so I can explain it super clearly?
I want to know about the procedure of promotions and review, like everyone is doing so, what different things we can do to stand out of the crowd.
Nice Information share for blogging
This is nice article, everyone please share this article.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips .Your blog will surely help new bloggers to find their right track. It is necessary for bloggers to connect with their readers and solve their issues. Really undoubtedly helpful for us. Share some more tips to organize things more better.
Affiliate marketing has worked best for me when it comes to monetization but the major challenge when it comes to blogging is growing your traffic. Sometimes it feels like things are not moving.
Very true. There is so much noise. Hard to get the right traffic to keep coming back to you. Need a couple really hard hitting posts or pages with great SEO then you can branch off from there…
Thanks for sharing an amazing article. This article helps to grow traffic on my site and helps to earn money in a short time.
Those 2 things are the best feeling ever! #blogforaliving
very nice blog post.
Hey Greg, How are you doing my bro
2022 was a wild one for the blogosphere, and that is the year I started my second blog after almost 10 years. Hope this 2023 would be a successful year for my blogging journey.
I’ve read all 7 blogs you shared are doing amazing work and lots to learn from them.
Hey Ehsan! I’m okay writing you from the LifeTime gym here. Same routine to get thru winter.
How is the weather in your world and what’s new blog about? Yeah man lots of noise and environment distractions in 2022 and just being able to focus on blogging is such a reward again. Do you feel like the blogs you look up to have shifted, or have the biggest influencers changed? Thanks for reading thru and sorry to have probably bored ya but your dedication keeps me going my friend. Always a huge treat to hear from you.
ps We did affiliate summit west in January and like 0 affiliate companies bh, hg, sg, godaddy etc were there lol. It’s all new brands. But still fun.
Great to hear back from you Greg
The new blog is a png download web blog which I started last year just to practice some basic blogging and wordpress after a long time, check it out and give me your feedback.
Landscape is definitely not the same as it was 9-10 years ago when we started (if you remember). Everything is super competitive nowadays.. besides SEO is also very resource-bound. It needs quite a lot of $$$ to secure links, or quite a lot of time and hard work to grow a blog organically.
On the other hand, AI also had a big impact on blogging. But still I think blogging and content creation will still be the best way to build an online business and name.
DearBlogger is a great resource for a newbie to kick start and I always keep looking for new posts from you. Just keep doing what you are doing brother. I wish I didn’t quit in 2013.
Nice and valuable information that is what I exactly looking for Thanks for sharing this interesting content. Also visit Healthfatal.com for latest updates.
very nice blog post.
Thanks Hridoy, hope you’re well out there and how are your efforts going when it comes to make money blogging activities?
very nice blog post
Thanks for sharing such a great information.. It really helpful to me..I always search to read the quality content and finally i found this in you post. keep it up!
cheers raj great to see you back and hear about your blog for money success in 2023!
Thanks for the awesome tips!! loved reading your blog. Inspiration was what I was seeking, and this was a great help to me
Great to have you here, Shivi! It may seem daunting but it’s possible to make (alot) of money blogging in 2023. As bloggers give up and new blogs emerge, just ride the wave and BE REGULAR with your posting of content. Keep us posted on how your blog income is going, we can discuss it all here! 🙂
you literally provide every information about blogging and how to earn through it. Its really helpful for those who want to start their career in blogging or to grow.
My guy! Thanks for stopping in and leaving your comment. Are you going for a career in blogging? If so, embrace the haters. They have desk jobs on their feet. We do try to provide the full blogging guide to make a living honestly blogging. Come back soon! Cheers, Greg
Thanks for share this amazing blog
It was very nice blog post.
i think affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to make money with Blogging!
So true! 🤩 Which products?
I would you like to say thank you so much by my heart. Really amazing and impressive post you have share. Please keep sharing.
Thanks for the amazing post about blogging.. It creates a great interest in blogging.