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Video Tutorial Feature: How to Setup Anchor Links in WordPress

WordPress anchor links can be a major pain to setup. You want to users to click and get to another part of your page, but the links just don’t work!

Well after a reader emailed us asking for a explanation of the WordPress codex page, I wanted to help! Those codex pages can get a little codey, rather quickly.

So I figured I’d break down how to setup anchor links in WordPress but manually, and using Elementor so you get an anchor link smooth scroll.

Check out the full WordPress anchor links steps here:

If you can’t watch, here are the steps below:

WordPress anchor links explained:

  1. First, create your link and add a #keyword where the link normally would go
    <a href="#yourID">Click here</a>
  2. Then, setup a header with your id further down the page, like this:
    <h2 id="yourID">Header text</h2>
  3. Thats it!

If you were able to create an anchor link in WordPress with this guide or have any questions, we’d love to hear from you below!

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