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What Should I Write When I Start a Blog?

Are you wondering “what should I write when I start a blog?”

It’s oddly confusing, you make a blog, and have ideas obv, but then are like, what do I actually write and hard pass on your best ideas?

In this post I’ll anchor you down to what exactly to write, best practices on new blog posts 101 style.

Here at DearBlogger I’ve helped over 5000 new bloggers learn how to start a blog – so it’s a bit of an understatement to say we know the first stages of blogging like the back of our hands.

So sit back, get your keyboard out, and start writing these 3 posts you should write when you launch a blog!!

#1) Welcome to the blog post

The welcome to the blog post offers a professional tough to new readers, while outlining the future of the blog.

Why this post is a must-write?

You should physically want to welcome reader to your new blog! Even if you do, but they don’t hear it, it doesn’t count! So say it!

What this post accomplishes?

This post positions your blog as a blog that is clearly going somwhere. Think of how many blogs don’t have one.

Example: Welcome to DearBlogger In a British Accent helped our blog grow from from 100 to 4000 email subscribers.

#2) Ultimate Guide

A common traffic magnet, the ultimate guide takes people down the road of your expertise, and it’s not bad for monetization either.

Why this post is a must-write?

Because you are an ultimate style person and have the knowledge to fill this type of guide.

What this post accomplishes?

Ultimate guides are a unicorn when it comes to ranking in Google.

Example: The Ultimate Guide on Where to Blog was our best post for over 3 years.

#3) Controversial Piece

Your final post when you launch a blog should position yourself as different, yet helpful, with a new spin on things.

Why this post is a must-write?

You should have a different opinion on how to run things in your niche, right? If not, then why should people listen to you over everyone else. Tell them why!

What this post accomplishes?

Basically just shakes things up and makes things land in your lap if you do it well.

Example: The Truth About Premium Themes was a real ground shaker, and pissed of some premium theme devs, but hey, it had to be published!

Every post at this blog from 2012 to 2013 was kind controversial and wacky.

Conclusion: You Now Have 3 Secret Weapons of Blogging

What will you write? Post us a link as an example, or let us know what post you’re stuck on. Believe me, I’ve been there.


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