Dear Blogger

Dear Community: Share Your Best Blog Post Here Below

Time for a “survey” on how you’re doing 😉

When I first started blogging, my “best blog post” was a common concern.

I was pretty paranoid about shares. I’d check in on a few posts multiple times a day, rarely happy. But is that the point at all?


Now 4 years later, I’d like to close the circle.

So I ask you to help. Join in and brag.

Note: Whether you’re a regular or still on the brink of your first comment, go ahead. Not a competition, unless you like that.

Ingredients: cooking good posts

What do you consider as you try and craft an epic post? Here’s what I try to bake in there:

#10: Useful
#9: Random
#8: Controversial
#7: Out-of-control comprehensive
#6: Fast-moving
#5: Title
#4: Food
#3: People
#2: SEO
#1: Inspiration

Sure, SEO isn’t necessary for a life changing post.


I’d bet more of your posts could be Google #1’s for their content, but a little SEO tweak here and there are holding them back.

#7? Tough, but if you pull it off, amazing.

#3? Always good to be relevant to other posts, other bloggers and real-life figures.

#6? Good for combating ADD levels.

Now for my best post.  I’ll pick this one.

Why, Dear Blogger?

If not for the amount of shares it’s gathered, then for the ranking above other articles I’ve written.

*Pats self on back*

This post tries to cover all #10 items in the list above. It was a result of lots of research, but more importantly fills a gap in this niche. Sure, there are other lists of “best places to blog” but I’m positive none are this comprehensive.

Some stats, you ask?

I shared this graphic a couple weeks ago. Well, this favorite post of mine now brings over 40,000 unique eyeballs to the blog each month.

Can you imagine 40,000 people chatting about blogging with 40,000 coffees?

Some other (better) numbers.
From Google: I shared this a couple weeks ago.

Isn’t it crazy how one post can outperform like that?

Especially when it’s a post we wrote last minute and didn’t figure for much success.

And for the really statistical minded, I use post views to track the numbers at the top of each post.

Comments: Sharing our best posts

Now it’s your turn. But before you do so, here are some serious blogging lessons I’ve learned with your help. Here they are:

Lesson #1: Reflecting on our best posts should help us realize the things that make for a good post. Repeat repeat repeat!
Lesson #2: The power of randomness. When you write a lot you will uncover random moments of genius. For example, my best post was not written as the list it is today. It was a pretty sloppy comparison of Blogger and WordPress, that eventually talked about 20+ other platforms too. The formatting of the list took forever and was only finalized when my blogging editor, Lorraine, ran her magic wand over it. I think the best bloggers are able to publish often then adapt their content to what people are really asking for.

Well, that was more casual that serious. Perhaps I don’t have a serious bone in my body. But I am seriously curious about a few things:

  1. What is the link to your best article, post, guest post, or even a page?
  2. Why is that so?
  3. Who will be first 😉

Go for it!

p.s. I’ll give this post good SEO so it ranks for “best blog post” and gives commenters some visibility of course.

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