I hope you enjoy this blog post where we use the new post editor and a blank text widget to add cool things in the sidebar. Let me know and comment below! — Greg
Taking a summer break from blogging is not something all bloggers do. Last year, I took no breaks at all. This year, I stopped posting twice a week and only posted once a week for a couple of months…
I hope you enjoy this blog post that shows you both how to put Adsense ads and direct/custom ads on a blog. Let me know and comment below. In this video we learn several important ad techniques, including how to…
I remember when I was a new blogger. Everything was new and foreign. I was learning a ton of stuff daily. I joined Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, Google+, Slideshare, Pinterest, and a bunch of other sites. I was also sent…
Time for a “survey” on how you’re doing 😉 When I first started blogging, my “best blog post” was a common concern. I was pretty paranoid about shares. I’d check in on a few posts multiple times a day, rarely…
Dear Reader, This is a post about bringing more money, time, productivity and health into your life. However, it’s not just about starting a blog. Because we’ve been there done that. I’m writing this post because if you’ve been trying…
Hi everyone! It’s me, Lorraine Reguly, your monthly contributor from Wording Well, here today to talk to you about page jumps. I know you will find this post useful, and I truly hope you take advantage of the benefits of…
We all want ’em. It’s lonely without ’em. In this long overdue post, I’d like to explain some of the things I keep in mind while building content to make sure people can, will and want to join in with…
Dear Readers, I know your images are beautiful as is. But what if you need to write some text on an image to create an advertisement or a button or just get an important message across? Do you really want…
If you engage in affiliate marketing on your blog or website, you’re going to be embedding third party links given to you from the affiliate program. While these links are great for tracking your unique performance, the problem is they…
Today Lorraine Reguly, from Wording Well, will teach you some strategies to use for closing open tabs and de-cluttering your bookmarks. I really could have used this two weeks ago when I filtered my Gmail down from around 2500! Thanks…
What would bring to me the point of whispering “come on…come on…you can do it!” to my computer, while periodically blasting Britney Spears oldies this past weekend? (don’t ask) Just watch! Note: I’m making the rare decision to close comments…
One of the hottest allures of blogging is how it can free you from the confines of a normal job. But what if your current job is so demanding that your blog can never take off? How do you manage…
As you know, I regularly recommend products, to provide answers, both at the blog and on social media. For a while now I had been thinking of creating a “toolbox” that you could return to again and again for the…
With WordPress, you can run a successful blog about Fashion, Education, Social Media, Finance, Fitness and more. You can rank well in Google and earn monthly income from Adsense with no knowledge of code, or learn some for fun. Choosing…
Cluttering your sidebar with a lot of widgets can distract readers (and potential clients). Messy website don’t impress guests. Instead, they cause them to leave! Today we are going to look at what type of widgets you should have in…
Are you a blogger who has his/her own site or are you thinking of getting one? If you fall into the first category, do you remember some of the problems you faced when you got your own website? If you…
Dear Readers, The top left corner of your blog posts is one area that’s proven to maximize click through rates on your ads. Problem is, unless you’ve got a premium theme with a section devoted to advertisements, you’re going to…
Dear Readers, If you start an email list, the best way to promote it is simple: Give a free eBook to new subscribers. Sure, a newsletter is nice, but the eBook is the invite to the party and in reality…
Deciding to get your own website is a tough decision. Deciding on a hosting company is even tougher. There are many  things to consider when making these decisions! When The Blogger (Greg Narayan, owner of Dear Blogger) wrote his (first…
As Lorraine prepares to launch her new site (check out her pre-announcement post right here) we found ourselves talking about WordPress code over Skype. Here I am explaining the code I basically live by around here, and I got to…
Dear Readers, It was with just the right amount of fear that I launched the Adsense Ante Up in early December of 2013 (launch post here). Even the earliest readers know we’ve never fully been blog on how to make…
There’s an infinite source of productivity tips online. Top 5 lists, top 10 lists, top 100 lists . . . (because you all have time for those . . . ) Problem is, there are too many things on them.…
What do you do when you’re too sick to blog? I’m not talking about when you’re sick and tired of blogging, but rather when you are in physical pain and are experiencing health problems that prevent you from doing your…
My blog is growing slowly and I get inconsistent traffic. It’s an issue me and Mr. Coffee hear most mornings. If you started a blog and have been at it for 3-6 months the problem isn’t what to write about,…